Japanese Whisky Bundle
LoveScotch Japanese Whisky Bundle Includes:
Qty 1 x Hibiki Suntory Whisky Japanese Harmony – Hibiki is a harmonious blend of innumerous malt and grain whiskies from Suntory’s distilleries, which are meticulously blended to create a full orchestra of flavors and aromas. The Hibiki Japanese Harmony is the epitome of the Hibiki blend. Subtle, noble and harmonious.
Qty 1 x Mars Iwai Blue Label Japanese Whisky is brought to you by the Mars Shinshu Distillery. Situated between the north and south Japanese alps, Mars Shinshu is Japan’s highest whisky distillery, at nearly 800 meters. Produced and bottled by Hombo Shuzo Co. Kiichiro Iwai, who this spirit is named after, was a silent pioneer of Japanese Whisky. This whisky is inspired by the great whiskies of America. Crafted from a majority of corn, balanced with light malt and aged in ex-bourbon barrels. A product of Japan.
Qty 1 x Nikka Coffey Grain Japanese Whisky is distilled in a “Coffey still“, which is a very traditional and rare patent still, Nikka imported from Scotland in 1963. The Coffey still produces a complex whisky with a mellow and sweet taste originating from the grain itself.