Anchor Old Tom Gin
The rakish tomcat is a salute to Captain Dudley Bradstreet and the vending machine he created in 18th-century London for his illicit gin. “I…purchased…the Sign of a Cat, and had it nailed to a Street Window; then I caused a Leaden Pipe… to be placed under the paw of the cat: the end that was within had a funnel.” Customers put money in the cat’s mouth and said, “Puss, give me two Penny worth of Gin.’ I bid them receive it from the Pipe under the cats Paw. Anchor Old Tom Gin, like it’s historical predecessors, is pot distilled with juniper berries and other botanicals, sweeter than modern gin, and bottles unfiltered. But unlike any other Old Tom, its sweetness comes from a blend of two traditional botanicals-star anise and licorice root-and one un-traditional one: stevia.